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How Do Polesaver Sleeves Inhibit Termite Attack?

Termite attack of wooden utility poles can be a severe problem when the right conditions exist for termites to thrive. Termites can do a lot of damage to wooden poles very quickly, and this nearly always cause pole failure. The most effective way of inhibiting attack is by using multiple methods of prevention together, including chemical treatments and barriers.

Polesaver Blog

Utility Pole Core Rot: Causes and Prevention

Core rot is the decay of the strongest part of a wooden utility pole, the core. It typically accounts for around 60 to 70% of wooden pole failures and can occur at any time during in the utility poles life. Core rot normally occurs due to air or insect-borne brown rot fungal spores entering the unprotected core of the pole through cracks

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Polesaver helps utility companies reduce their short and long term costs and environmental impact

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